
Thank you!! 4/9/13

9/24/2013 09:00:00 pm

I know this happened a long time ago. =D
But... now it's up haha

I received a small birthday surprise from my college gang.
Feel so loved ♥
Like I said in my birthday post, I didn't expect much from my friends.
So, I really did not expect anything from them.

WARNING: It's gonna be very wordy..

My birthday has already past.
My friend Eileen is having her birthday on the 6 of Sept.
We both were only 3 days apart.
A little info before the story ;)

So as usual, we had our lunch break for 2 hours.
Because we had around 8 person to go for lunch, we used 2 cars.
CaiYing, ShynYih and Joanne went into one car.
Kim, me, Eileen, ChianChyi and ChiaLynn in another.
We usually wait for each other then only go out together.
The weird thing was CY, SY and Joanne went out really fast, when me and the others were waiting for Kim to finish her class.
I did not suspect a thing. -.-
Me so blur!!! *sigh*

We went to The Cruises Steak House.
Not a bad place for lunch, cause it's quite cheap. =)
Especially the lunch set.

We sat at the long table at the corner of the restaurant, I sat facing the way that the waiters can come in to serve us, cause that part is the cushion chairs hahaha and not the single wooden chairs. =D
So basically I can see everyone coming in and out.
When I sat down, I realised that CC and Kim were exchanging glance, then shrugs and then sat down infront of me.
I thought they wanted to sit on the cushion chair, but I didn't bother to ask haha.
And also CY, SY and Joanne who left us like 15 mins earlier than us, came even more late then us.
CC was like maybe they went back home to take things.
Blur me again!! Who believe those stuff!! *frustrated*

So everything was normal, we ordered, waited, chatted a lot.
Another weird thing is that quickly call them to bring out the dessert, even though we weren't in a rush to class.
I didn't bother to ask also, because I've done eating my stuff. Hee =D
But Joanne ate really Really REALLY fast. Even though her food came last.
In my mind, I was like, why is she eating so fast? We are not in a rush anyway.
Anyway dessert came, ICE CREAM!! ♥
So, when we were almost done with our dessert, the waitress who served us, off the wind system of the air con, cause the air con is blowing us directly.
I thought she was being considerate cause we were eating ice cream and we were cold, so she off the wind system. -.-
Blur me again!!
Then a while later, she came in with a lighted cake in her hands, I was looking at her and my eyes widen.
Shocked? Of course.
They began to sing
Happy Birthday to you 
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Then I was like this isn't for me, my birthday has pass already.
They were clapping hands and singing the song, only left me and Eileen were stunned, shocked face. [I guess, cause I know I'm putting a confused face, not really sure abt Eileen.]
Then I started clapping my hands cause I was thinking this surprise is for Eileen.
Then they sang :
Happy Birthday to Eileen and Sarah 
Happy Birthday to you

Then I only knew this was for both of us.
That's why, all the acting weird but yet I didn't bother to care.
So Cy, Sy and Joanne went to buy a cake.
And CL even came out for lunch which is a miracle.[We were having trial exam the next week]
That's why she came out, she wanted to celebrate Eileen's birthday.
Of Course!!
Blur me!!
I didn't even bother to go and care these little details so much.

Our cake. =)
Tiramisu cake. ♥♥
One candle for Eileen and one candle for me. =DD  ♥♥
We didn't even bother to cut it and just use the spoons to scoop it out and eat. =DD
This is our style of eating a cake =D
Fast and easy ;))

The waitress took out a digital camera haha
And called us to stand together to take a pic.
So we took it.
After we were done, she came back with a something like envelope thing, with a printed pic inside.
Bad thing is that there's only one. 
Eileen said she didn't want it and call me to take it.
I was thinking that she should take it because her birthday is coming up and mine had pass already.
So..... I was like wReally??!! The others were thinking it isn't fair too.

On her bday they printed one for her too =))

This one is from Cy's phone =) 

Anyway thank you for the small surprised and the good /weird acting =D
And also the cake =))
Love you guys very much ♥♥♥

Love Me!!XOXO ♥♥♥


A new age, a new look =D

9/11/2013 04:14:00 pm

Hi Hi dear Readers =))

On 30/8/13, I went to my hair salon to have my hair treatment =D
My mom was like talking with my hairdresser that I've been nagging her to let me dye my hair. =DD
My hairdresser was like really cool and asked me : what do you want??
Lol !!!
Suddenly, I was thinking from what kind of hair dying method then colours.
I've always wanted red hair. 
So I chose red.
Don't ask me what kind of red I chose, my hairdresser made those choices haha
All I say is that I want red hair that's all. 
Then I did not choose to dye my whole head cause for sure will kena scold.
So for precautions I'll just dip dye my hair =/

So here goes:
The mixture is pink-ish colour =/ 

So it just came out this much and not red enough.
I wasn't pleased enough =(
But my hairdresser was saying if ur dad still allows you ma next time do more brighter lo =D
And I super hate straight hair on me!!

It isn't obvious enough, but oh well...
If you really can't see it =\
The top part is my real dark dark brown/black hair and the bottom is my red hair =))
[ I did not edit my eyes, it's like super huge when I took it, awesome!!] haha 

Haha the next day I asked my cousin to help me take a pic from behind under the sunlight =D
It's much more obvious in the naked eye compare from pictures =\

In this pic is way more obvious then the other pics I tried to take.=) ♥♥

Wanna know where I did my hair
Visit and please like his fb page : HERE
Although they don't update much -.-

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥


Officially 18th =D

9/03/2013 03:05:00 pm

♥♥♥♥♥♥ First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Harlo!! Harlo dear wReaders!! =DD
Finally I can do whatever I want!!
Especially watching 18+ movies lol!!
And I can finally say my dad that I've become 18 dy, you can't stop me!! =DDD

I did not expect much for my birthday this year.
Cause... I don't know =/ it goes by feel. Hahaha
Today I had class for 2 hours only.
So the friends I met in school was only this much.

Received more whatsapp messages compare to normal msg haha.
Received the messages from friends I haven't chat a long time ago, which made me super super happy =DD

After class, Mom brought me to Shervone at Krystal Point =)
After I had tried Kim's b'day cake we bought for her, I was in love and craving for it a long time!!
And of course nagging my mom to buy it for me! =0

We went to the store and I wanted the same flavour of cake that we bought for Kim's b'day which is Green tea with dried cranberry inside.

When I went in and asked, the owner said he sold the last one just now.
Sad die me!!! =((((
I was like craving it for so so long and you tell me no more!! *shocked*
Then I kept on saying that I wanted that cake.
The owner heard me saying then said, he will do it for me, and call me to come pick it up later in the evening =DDD
Happy me!!
Mom bought some cream puffs too =D

I also wore my new shorts haha
Cream Crochet Shorts for only RM 39.90 with my Uh-Oh top =D
Hee!! You can see my red hair too!! =DD

I opened the presents that my friends gave me b4 my b'day.
I always kept this rule in me that all b'day present must be open on my b'day.
So Deb gave me a blue pouch with a flower on it
Which is super super cute!!!! ♥♥
Thank you Deb!! 

Next my other friend gave me nail polish and hand cream from Elianto hahaa
And it's pink!! Me ♥♥ pink!!
I have lots of pink nail polishes but she bought the pink that I didn't have.
Good choice!! =DD
Thank you!! 

So at around 7pm, we went to Shervone again =D
To take my cake =)
Then off to dinner =DD
My birthday dinner is at TGI Friday's cause daddy have the voucher =D
Not gonna waste the voucher, right??
Tonight is the night that my stomach is gonna burst!!
So I ordered burger cause I thought is gonna be smaller and gonna be less full compare to steak.
But I'm sooo wrong!! =(
Because I'm miss their brownies so much we ordered one too =D
Full to tha max!!!! 

If you think I had enough, you are wrong.
Actually you are right.
I did have enough.
Is just that Boost is giving me a free drink for my birthday, so I can't miss it haha =DD
I'm also a huge Boost fan too =D
Me love Boost!! ♥
So I went over to get one free drink!! =D
I thought I get to choose a size for it, but no!
I got this huge drink!!!!!
And it made me even full.
[While typing this I'm still drinking it, couldn't finish it =( ]

Then we went home =D
Cutting cake ceremony!! =D
My green tea and dried cranberry cake!! =DD
I'm not a fan of green tea but this cake taste good!! =)) 

I own high with the birthday song =DD

So in conclusion : I'm gonna gain a few kg cause of today =(
But I had lots of fun, thanks to my family and friends and all the wishes in fb =))
Thank you!! ♥

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥

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