
17.06.13 Kuala Gula Trip w/ Bio Classmates =)

6/28/2013 12:50:00 am

So after so long, i finally decide to sit down and write about my trip to Kuala Gula. =)
you should be happy haha
cause this few days i'm so so so lazy to update my blog.


Ok let's get started then =))
so on the 1st week of my holiday [semester break]
my bio teacher organized a trip to Kuala Gula
a small place in Perak, M'sia
we went there by bus
it took us 1 and a half hour to reach there =/

**just so you know my camera is not in use anymore, the pics below will be either from my friends or i took it by using my cousin's camera or my smartphone camera**

When we reached Kuala Gula,
we went to a so call resort 
and we went on a boat ride for 45 mins
on a huge river/sea [ I don't know]

Life jacket is very important ;)
us with our 'teachers' =D credits to Eileen Yap

Then off we go on the boat =D

Then the boredom came, the camera started to function =D
selfie time!! =DD
Cai Ying took my camera and started to take pics actually.
I'm not the one who took it [obviously] 

CaiYing and me ♥♥
Eileen being cute at the back =) 

But i took the pics of the view =)

Eileen with her camera. =) thanks for the pics =))
This pic shouldn't be like this.
but i had no idea how to adjust the things in the camera, well because it isn't my camera. -.-

Me and Eileen ♥

The view =) 

It's an otter!! Lucky us!!
It jump into the water after it saw us. =/

The mangrove tree that we r going to plant 

After the boat stopped, we had to take off our shoes
and go down into the mud
Yes, MUD!!
 Before we went into the mud.

Let me think what words to describe it.
Yucky, gooey, sticky, like something soft [not pilllow], something like jelly, dirty, when u go deeper u will be stuck in it..
Well anyway we made it.
Me and my tree =D

Next, cleaning.
it's so hard to clean ur foot when you couldn't sit in the boat.
we used water, tissue and also wet tissue and it's not all cleaned.
you wouldn't know how frustrated we were!!

Cleaned =) after such a long time of cleaning.

Then we sat on the boat to the soft shell crab farm.
but before we reached.
we took pics again =D
we were posing for another friend in another boat, but the 'teacher?'  who took my camera took a pic of us.

This is another one, from another friend =) 

Like i said before
I ♥ them

They started playing hamburger due to boredom =D

Then we reached the soft shell crab farm

The crab is jelly-like, very jelly-ish haha

Then we went over to the floating restaurant.
Yup it's floating.

My lunch.
hard rice, cool drink. 

We were so into the soft shell crab just now.
We even ordered fried soft shell crab to eat =D
RM6 per piece.
It was just so-so.
Even though there were lots of meat in it =D
But it was a bit too salty. =( 

After lunch, we went for kampong walk
 The walk was only one straight walk down this road
We stopped at a few houses, the tour guide, who is malay. gave us some explanation that i didn't bother to go listen =P 
One of the houses had a pet monkey,
baby monkey to be exact.

Then we went over to a small museum
They had this bird outside. 

They also had an owl. =0

In the museum, we only walked around, actually we sat in front o the air-cond due to the heat.
and later we watched a video about the area, Kuala Gula.
Then we sat in the bus and went home.

Tired, but it was a great experience.
we also had lots of fun together =D

I guess i finished my story about the trip =)
hope you guys like it =))

there were many selfies pics actually, but i couldn't put all of them in. Sorry!! 

Love me! XOXO  ♥♥


I Finally Met You ♥

6/08/2013 03:43:00 pm

After chatting for so long
we decided to meet up.
I was worried we don't have any topic to talk about
because we haven't met for almost 2 years.

In the end, i was wrong.
we chatted more than i expected. =D
we were chatting non stop, catching up with each other =)) 

So, I went to your house 1st,
didn't change a bit haha =D
except for your new wallpaper that i really love!!

while waiting for you, i took selfies haha
saw your giraffe sitting there,
so it became my prop =D 

Little miniature Jacky/Jacob, posing for me =D

Then, you were ready and u drove us to our destination =D

Off to QB!!
After we parked, we just went around walking.
but our main reason is to do pedicure!!
i admit i haven't done pedi or medi before ,
so this is the 1st time.
we went to Summer Nail & Spa.
 service ain't bad =/
love the setting in the shop
feel cozy enough =)) 
 i wish i have this kind shelf in my room x.x

Hey Dear !!  ♥
green tea for us to drink!!

so much colours for us to choose =D

While waiting, 
we took our own selfies ♥♥
our 1st pic after 2 years!! ♥♥♥

us w/ our crazy face ♥♥♥

Then, our nails were done =D 
this is the colour i chose =P
LOL my fat foot x.x  
i chose a bluish green glitter colour =D 

Then we went to Uniqlo =D 
we had fun in the dressing room actually =DD 

After that, dinner!! 
haha we only ate a little bit of carbo only =D 
then off to desserts =D 
i ♥ hui lau shan 
yums!! *thumbs up*

selfie time again =DD 

Last pic of our outing =))

you were and now still my best friend
ever since primary school, 
we have been friends for 7 years now.
even though we don't see each other that often.
but we still managed it!!
and still let our relationship grow even stronger.
Sabrina, i ♥ you!! XP
Miss you always!! 

love me!xoxo ♥

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