
♥Uh-Oh Closet♥

1/11/2013 06:20:00 pm

It has been quite some time now after my last update.
well cause i started school.
College to be exact.
yes i took Jan-intake in INTI.
can't believe i still can meet my old friends there =))
first week of school : TIRED!!! X.X

Anyway back to the title.
if anyone of u don't know what is Uh-Oh.
is an online clothing store that my friends JXHIA and Jean Tean opened.
here is their FB link : UH-OH 
so what are they good about?
clothing : imported from Korea
price : is reasonable =)
quality : you can trust ♥
how fast you can get : well you can arrange time with them to meet up or they will send ur items through post laju which will cost extra.
size : FREE SIZE!! so anybody can wear!!

some of the clothing i wanted is already out of stock.
so if u really want it. quickly ordered it.!!

now there are new items.
some are limited only. =DD

i bought some of there clothing and still considering =P
and i finally had it. =D
so i promised Jxhia to take pics of her clothing items on me.
well a promise is a promise right??!! =D
and Taaaadddddaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
i love it so much!!!  ♥

Good thing about free size is that anybody can wear. =))
Bad thing is that. is soooooo big!! SEE!! [ignore my face >< ]

 so i came up with the solution to tug in my shirt and
it still looks great =)))))

 up close haha [ I'm having fun taking pics ]
 If you are like me who love extra long sleeves
then this top is perfect for u!! =D
 NEXT!!! this is a limited edition top.
only 3 or 4 in this whole world.
and it is handmade!!
 [sorry couldn't see properly!!]
 so i took another pic showing off the cute skull!!
[it has flower eyes!!]
Rock and Roll people!! haha
anyway, notice my purple hair?? =P

 if you complain the top is too long.
just tie it up to the side.
Or tug it into your shorts.
skirts also looks great with this top. 
so casual yet also great for going to dinner. 
 Last but not least i had a free gift.
Flag ring. =)) Thanks!!

P.S. Thanks Jxhia for letting me copy your pics =))

love me! xoxo ♥

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