
Looking Back Into 2012~

1/01/2013 10:42:00 pm

I wanted to do this post is because i felt that this year there were quite many things happened and i felt like saying it to cherish? it or just to say remember this awesome year =))

so wanna know what happen just continue reading =p

in the early Feb, in one early Monday morning during PE
i was not in the mood for exercising that morning =/
so while i was running then my legs weren't cooperating then....... 
hurt both my knees and my elbow.
funny thing is that i wasn't crying but smiling. weird i know~
so yes i hurt my knees my friends all were saying it was quite serious 
but i didn't feel that way. so it heal quite fast and so there was a scar 
anything can help to make that scar disappear??

then in March, one day , my house was on fire.
don't worry it's only a small fire in my parents room.
but the worst thing is that it smells bad!!
and our new experience is that a Bomba came to our house in the middle of the night.
Also in March, i was in my school drama club, my school in charge teacher wanted all the students to audition for the annual drama competition in June.
and yes i went in.
My march holidays were all busy with exercise in drama and haven't got time to go out with my friends and family.
but in this practice i get to spend time with my bestie =)) 
this is my 1st time and my last time to compete in this competition 
and i was given the opportunity to be the main character.
so i feel  very very blessed!!
but the best thing is that i was in the papers =D
very happy but....
with that.......eerrrr.... mermaid dress on i was *speechless*
happy to be in the paper =))
see me up there in the blue dress [the one not in the chair] yup!! that's me =D 
My most memorable one is after my drama competition [3/6/12]
i had my new phone Samsung Galaxy S3 =))
my surprise pressie =)) 
thanks daddy!!!
in the June holiday, mommy and daddy brought my family to Damai Laut 
i'm lazy to say anything so here the link 
and here is the one in Pulau Pangkor 

so anything could happen between the month is July until October
i did some DIY phone case and i learnt some hair styling too in love with these hair style
My DIY phone case : here
Hair Styling : here

In October, there was a graduate thanks giving lunch in Traders Hotel =))
me n my friends performed dancing n singing
the mic shocked me cause of my voice was so different. LOL
 anyway we had fun and that's the most important thing =))

In the same month?? or the next ,i graduated!!!  =PPPPP
i was chosen to be on stage to present an English speech =))
i was honoured.
 Sab also came with Zhe Lin to our graduation day
i miss her so so much!!
 this is my class, we graduated together, we spent time together in 1 year or more
some of u guys , we were in the same class for more than 5 years
i appreciate this friendship very much  

After Graduation and then it was SPM after that exam
my family went to KL
then it was Sabah from 20-23 of dec
not enough time there.
but it's fine =))

Then i went to undang lesson and then the
undang test i passed today [29/12/12]!!!
so happy cause i only study for only one day =))

i was nagging my mom to buy me some clip-in coloured hair extension
at 1st i was scared i will get bored with the hair colour if i go and highlight my hair
so i didn't go and do it yet =))
i bought some neon purple and neon pink coloured hair =))
i was in love with the purple!!

my friend Jxhia and Jean Teen  opened an online clothing store
all are imported from Korea
check out their FB PAGE!!
their clothing quality, you can trust it and i finally got my hands on mine.
so i will be posting about Uh-Oh the next few days =))

the other most important thing is that my cousins from Australia
i was happy till crazy!!
cause i get to spend time with them and during christmas too!!
link to -->>>>>here
we all even went to Sabah together [actually 4 families went there]
link to Sabah trip : here
link to Sabah day  2 : here
link to Sabah day 3 & 4 : here

so i really had an awesome 2012
i will cherish it and remember it forever =))))
what about yours??

love me! for the last time of the year {type this on 30/12/12}

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