2day at church after 'class'
i went 2 find my mom n go 2 gp immediately
dat time was only at 11
so we queue up
from de elscalator there
so do there for nothing de shop are not even open also
when we bought de tickets
7.10pm no 12 room row C
haha toy story 3 !!
haha happy happy day!!
den when i reach home
i went 2 ttn at hhome
my mom open de door n say de bird came back le
haha i yell n shout n ran out
yipee haha
dat's all happy happy day
dis one is for ytd 26/6/10
in the afternoon my bird fly 2 de back of my house
all is because of mom
mom's fault
i was sad tear came out
den mom was thinking n making
how 2 bring it back
den at night it didnt come back
so i just need 2 go 2 church
my time 2 be shi qing
scare si
when i play
my timing all wrong le
too long bo play
when real eh time
my hand shaking till cnt play
den all wrong
=( haiz
sad day
school reopen for almost a week le
n i so hate 2 get my skul exam result
it make me stress
it kills me
like my mom dont even know wad i feel
hated skul exam
why must we exam anyway
is for nothing in the end
i wan 2 watch toy story 3
i wan 2 watch in 3D
i wan 2 watch la
beh tahan
u didnt chat v me le wo
why ne?
this morning 6'30 wake le
7'30 go steph place
fetch popo 1st
den we ate breakfast
l8r we c de workers clear de place
moving de custurd 2 de church
we walked 2 de rented bus..
we sat in de bus..
my tears just came down naturally
den from dat time i started crying...
when we reach church many ppl were there
we sat in de front row..
great~ my tears just fall non stop...
so just hear n sing n hear n sing
till our time de grandchildren sing
i stood there i think i sing all wrong cuz i was crying
singing amazing grace~
den is over----
we went 2 de cemetry
stand there my leg get sun burn...
throw flowers n flower petals
n done all my miss n hurt is gone for a few seconds only...
we went 2 our family restaurant =) {CRC}
den eat lunch with my family n frenz...
den we went home n rest..
the end of my gong gong life...
love you my granpa!! **muackzzzz!!! <3 p="p">
heavy rain pouring down
ytd i went to church
at 11 my dad came n find us
n call us go 2 de hospital immediatlly
to find my ah gong
when we reach
my goodness my hear t was pumping hard!
my brain was giving images of ppl crying!!
n yes it was true my aunt n uncles nose was red
crying non stop... my uncle told us dat....
ah gong illness become very worse , worse den ever
anytime he will not breath, his heart is not pumping...
gabie is de one who start crying...
den steph..
den me ..
de boys was last
when we went into icu 2 c ah gong
my goodness
eyes was tired red also
i mean i hate 2 c him live me lidat
i dont even noe when Jesus is taking him away
i wan 2 have a happy time v him but is not enough
i cried non stop well my mom was too
and was really tired i cancel de ttn
and just stay in de hospital..
from 11am -> 5pm only go home
tired really tired
den today we go again just for a while
i mean stay at de hospital for wad is bored though
so all i have 2 say
ah gong:
even u left us
all of us will miss u
n i will also
i will study hard
listen 2 my parents
n i will love u always..
8 of july is out!!
today i went to QB to watch sherk 4

fun enough cuz no parents watch v us dis time so much fun v 2 bros....
den went home....
camp night !!
whao reach there at almost 6
when up 2 find sab , minyi n chia lynn
well ya they are getting ready for performence..
haiz tot can dance v them
in the end i cnt cuz fever..=(
but i get 2 go 2 camp night n miss ttn is fun high enough
shout a lot!! walk a lot!! sweat a lot too!!
my hair also become not nice dy!!
but fun real fun!!
ytd 8th of june was dear n purdy's b'day!
happy b'day!!
today is koko b'day
happy b'day!!