
Sydney Korean Festival 2016 @ Darling Harbour

4/24/2016 08:11:00 pm

2nd April 2016 

Hi Gals!! 
So so sorry for the MIA in the past two weeks, uni just got me busy not only mentally but physically too. I was so tired doing my assignments and just did not have the time to update my blog! 
But here I am now!! 

Went to a Korean Festival near Darling Harbour, it was a sunny day! I have to say the sun here is crazy! It's way more hotter compare to Malaysia!
So my friend and I hang around just to look around, before we run away for shade.  
There were many stalls at the sides that sells food and snacks. 
I saw this deep fried twisted potato, and was so tempted to try it! Which in the end I bought it. 
I can even choose my own topping which I chose my favourite - sour cream and onion!  
They were having traditional performance while I was there, but with my height, I just gave up watching the performance. 
Then, after enjoying my twisted potato, we headed off to Darling Harbour for lunch.
Since I'm still a newbie here, my friend was guiding and showing me around. 
Then head over to Blackbird Cafe as she recommended. 
We sat outside and enjoyed the Darling Harbour view =) 
Their pizza is actually quite good! I enjoyed it! 
Then, we took the water taxi to Museum of Contemporary Arts Australia unplanned.
Well my friend needed to do her photography assignment, while I follow her so that I can explore around.
The Harbour Bridge view from the water taxi!
Opera House from the top floor cafe of the Museum.
Hat : H&M
Romper : Jay Jays
Cardigan : Cotton On 
Shoes : Toms 
Bag : Pierre Cardin 
I'm glad that I wore a romper on that sunny day, cause now the weather is cold and I just want to bundle myself up in jumpers and pants!
Enjoy the sun while I can right hahaha =D
I'm had fun walking around, exploring the city!
And also spending time with my friend =)
Hope that we can go out again soon!
And I hope that you guys enjoy this post too! =)
Sorry for not posting for so long, so here I am alive and well.

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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