
Uncle Jang @ Tanjung Tokong

5/21/2015 02:02:00 pm

Hi guys!!
Now with my sem break happening, I tried to find time and places to go instead of rotting at home on my bed.
Even though it's quite a good idea.

There's this new Korean restaurant called Uncle Jang opened in our small little Penang Island, it was quite well-known i KL.
And now it's here!!

I've been wanting to try this since it opened here.
And now finally I had the chance. =D

Uncle Jang sells Dak-Galbi which is stir fried vegetables with some chicken.
We get to choose the falvours, and the price is different by RM1.
We also add-on ramen, rice cakes and cheese!!
Cheese is a must to add!!

A-la-carte section!
We added Kimchi pancake, which in the end is a little bit too much for us. =0!
So, vege, chicken meat and rice cakes goes into the pan. =D
Cook, cook, cook, stir, stir, stir, fry, fry, fry =D
Looks Delish!! =D
Then ramen is added =D
After that cheese is added, and we are done!! =D
It was delicious.
Okay it was my first time eating Dak-Galbi.
So, it was quite good for a first timer like me =D
I'm glad that I added the ramen in. =D

Our yummy Kimchi pancake =)
Owh ya, I didn't mention who I went out with.
#noedit pic with this busy girl who found time for me! =D
Yea, this is a small short post!
Hope you guys like it! =)
See you guys next week =D

Love Me!!XOXO 

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  1. Good food great companion!~ Nice Korean food!

  2. how can this be your first time eating dak galbi hahaha! It a must get for me most of the time :)

  3. The Kimchi Pancake looks yumm Sarah! Would love to try it too!! Seems like you are a great cook ;)

    New Post - Style..A Pastiche!

  4. This looks like such a great place to eat! I am now craving kimchi haha x
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  5. The food looks great and it looks like a great place to grab a bite to eat.

  6. The food looks amazing!! :) I think I need to try this out as well and not rot at home, though that is really tempting. haha

    GIG Love,
    -Siew Hui, http://3verythingilove.blogspot.com

  7. Haven't tried Korean food though I have been wanting to. Anyway, that looks like a good place to dine.

  8. how is that taste kimchi pancake?
    since i dont really like the taste of kimchi.
    its taste good or not? XD

  9. The food looks good. I would love to try Korean food.

  10. that looks delicious! i love Korean food, sure gonna give this restaurant a try.

    do drop by... GreenStory
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  11. Wow !!! So many amazing dishes and I never tried any of these .... Loved them as they are drool worthy enough ^_^

  12. Hey Sara it looks like these dishes are pretty yummy, though I haven't tried any of them. Are you on a semester break these days?
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