
How to dress Dressy Casual

5/27/2015 09:07:00 pm

Hi Hi guys!! =D 

I'm back with a small post on how to dress Dressy Casual. 
Actually, this shoot is to help my friend for her assignment. 
But I think, it will also help you guys with how I dress for it. 
It's my first time dressing up like this, somehow dressy yet still casual enough to walk through the mall comfortably. 
And most of all I loved it! 

I realised that my most viewed post in my whole blog are usually the fashion posts! 
So I guessed my readers love to read my fashion posts, on where I buy them and how I style them =) 
Glad you guys liked it! =D 
Will continue to work hard for you all =) 
Okay. Let's start, shall we?
T-shirt : Uniqlo
Skort : Cotton On
Bag : H&M
Heels : lol some boutique that I couldn't remember the brand *sorry*
Statement Necklace : Luccacal.com 

First of all, what makes the whole outfit Dressy Casual is the skort! 
No kidding! 
Skort is a piece of bottom that looks like a skirt but with shorts inside. 
And with this asymmetric skort design, you can dress up and also dress down, however you like! 
Dress down is by just wearing a normal fitted top with flats or flip flop. 
You will still look chic and cool at the same time. =D 
But how I dress up the whole outfit, is by accessories.
Statement necklace is one choice you can choose to make the whole look even more dressier.
I do admit that the necklace brings out a feminine side of the whole look, instead of the casual, normal, plain look.

Heels is also another choice you can add in.
All girls know that, wanna look prettier is by wearing heels.
Heels makes a girl posture straighten up, to look more well good looking.
Another point is that they make us girls legs looked more longer and slimmer. =)
So with these few little things (I don't like my outfit full with accessories), I am sure that you guys can also dress Dressy Casual too!
It's not a hard fashion style to test.
And I'm also sure that you guys will like this! =)

Good Luck!! =D

Love Me!! XOXO 


Uncle Jang @ Tanjung Tokong

5/21/2015 02:02:00 pm

Hi guys!!
Now with my sem break happening, I tried to find time and places to go instead of rotting at home on my bed.
Even though it's quite a good idea.

There's this new Korean restaurant called Uncle Jang opened in our small little Penang Island, it was quite well-known i KL.
And now it's here!!

I've been wanting to try this since it opened here.
And now finally I had the chance. =D

Uncle Jang sells Dak-Galbi which is stir fried vegetables with some chicken.
We get to choose the falvours, and the price is different by RM1.
We also add-on ramen, rice cakes and cheese!!
Cheese is a must to add!!

A-la-carte section!
We added Kimchi pancake, which in the end is a little bit too much for us. =0!
So, vege, chicken meat and rice cakes goes into the pan. =D
Cook, cook, cook, stir, stir, stir, fry, fry, fry =D
Looks Delish!! =D
Then ramen is added =D
After that cheese is added, and we are done!! =D
It was delicious.
Okay it was my first time eating Dak-Galbi.
So, it was quite good for a first timer like me =D
I'm glad that I added the ramen in. =D

Our yummy Kimchi pancake =)
Owh ya, I didn't mention who I went out with.
#noedit pic with this busy girl who found time for me! =D
Yea, this is a small short post!
Hope you guys like it! =)
See you guys next week =D

Love Me!!XOXO 


BBQ with Buddies

5/13/2015 12:41:00 am

Hi Hi guys!! =D

I'm back with another outing with my school course mates.
First thing first is why I rarely mention stuff with my course mates, is because, well I need them to know that I have a blog.
And now they know.
Let's began!

We had a BBQ outing/ party(?) with my buddies a.k.a the potatoes!! =D
Why potatoes?
Hahaha is an inside joke. =) *sshhhh*
So, in this gang of potatoes, I have more guy friends instead of girls.
Just to clarify, these guys are the best guy friends I have ever had!
And I care for every one of them. =)
They brought me laughs and happy tears with their everyday jokes and pranks and also stunts!
Which I appreciate every single day.
And also, even though they are playful, sometimes childish guys, when things are serious, they are the most greatest gentlemen ever! 
Taking care of us girls wherever we are.

On the 8th of May.
Most of us, finished our final exam on that day.
From the beginning it's the guys idea to have the BBQ party.
Too bad not all of us were there that day. =(

We reached at around 6'45pm.
The fire wasn't even started yet. And the problem is that it couldn't even start.
So the guys asked us girls to eat some salad which was made beforehand.
And called us to wait.
And we did. =0!
Here's the BBQ place.
 The salad made by the guys =D
And since is a BBQ, sausages is a must! =D
But, small problem is that, they guys bought a bit too much! =0!!
 They even made marinated chicken, fish, and also marshmallow =D
 The guys who are trying their butts out on how to start the fire.
While we girls were waiting, we just cruise around the place.
While I took some pics =D
This is how long we were waiting for them to start the fire, with the sun is still up, until the sky is dark =D
Appreciate how hard they worked! 
 And the BBQ finally started!!
Chicken, sausages corn, marshmallows!! Yuummsss!!!
And this is how they have to look at the food, there's no light beside the BBQ place, so they have to use their phone while BBQ-ing.
The food the guys made were really awesome!
And this is just how much pictures I took, cause my hands were getting oily and I don't want to get my camera dirty.
Acceptable excuse? =)
The whole night was awesome!
Filled with laughters and jokes.
And I'm glad that I met these bunch of potatoes!!
Thank you for making my life filled with so much laughter and joy! 
I just couldn't thank you guys enough for this. =)
Thanks guys!!

Even from the very beginning of the BBQ till the end, all the works and the cooking the cleaning is all done by the guys.
All they asked us is to wait and go eat.
I do feel bad for not helping, but I was scared of butting in of their whole group work thing.
And if I do go in and help, they will be asking us to stay aside and just eat. lol
That's how great they are! =D

Love Me!! XOXO 


How I Lose Weight and My Update on April Challenge

5/06/2015 07:04:00 pm

Hi guys!!

Back with a post in between my finals!
Oooppsss!! =0!!

I'm gonna update about my weight loss from the April Challenge.
If you guys didn't know what I'm talking about, here's the link. =)

I gain quite an amount of weight when I went for my holiday trip last year in Australia, and also during Chinese New Year.
So the determination to lose down my weight increases more!
And here's how I did it!

From my last post, many people were asking me to update on the results of this challenge, so here it is. =)

On the 1st of April onwards I was on this challenge, the No Junk Food Challenge.
I was not suppose to eat any types of the junk food on the list above for 21 Days.
But I extend it to a month, so it is around 30 days.
Because I know that I'll have a few cheat days.

It's not easy to stop eating junk food suddenly.
And junk food is something that everyone loves, including me.
So that's why I had a few cheat days for myself to enjoy some junk food. =)
*Smart!!* *smirk*
I mean come on, I even went out with my friend Nicole for a dessert day!!
My cheat days are usually once per week. Just in case you guys are wondering.

In the month of April, I also did a '2 meal diet a day'.
I do believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Cause you were sleeping for 8 hours straight without any food intake into your body.
So, your body needs the food to gain energy to start the day! =)

I was never a person who eats breakfast in the morning too.
I'll just make one cup of milo and just go to school.
So, if I do have a 8am class in school, I'll drink a cup of milo and head to school.
Then during my class break at around 9am or 10am, I'll go over to my school cafe and buy a wholemeal sandwich.
At least is wholemeal *shurg*

After that, I won't eat lunch anymore.
Since I'm still full from my brunch, I'll just skip lunch time.
Then, I'll get a cup of yoghurt when I'm hungry which is around 4pm+.
Or any healthy snacks, like fruits and smoothies.
I also try to stay away from processed meat like ham, sausages... and also high sodium food like cup noodles.

So during dinner time, I try to eat no carbs, so just vegetables, meats and fruits.
With eating these less food, I try to drink more water instead.
As what everyone says, drink 8 cups of water a day.
8 cups of water = 1.89L
So I drink about 2 and a half of 750mL bottle in average.

I lost about 4kg, in this one month with the help of this challenge and the diet.
I do have a few cheat days of eating junk food or more food in general.
Is not like I can't eat junk food forever in my whole life.
I'm just trying to eat healthily, I still do eat ice creams, and popcorns once in a while. =D
Just to treat myself.
It is okay to eat junk food once in a while, but don't eat them too often.
When you feel like eating them, then just eat them, if not, then don't.

I do have temptation during this challenge.
I have friends asking me whether I want some sweets or snacks, the temptation of having them and putting them into your mouth!! It's so hard!
But yet, determination is a must in this challenges and diet.
So, try your best!!

I'm never a professional in this, and I'm only writing this through my own experience.
So ya. =)

And here's my update on my 'April No Junk Food Challenge' and on how I lost weight.
I lost some weight on my thighs and the collar bone area, so is my tummy area.
I'm so happy that my collar bone is much obvious now. =D *happy face!*
So ya, I'm proud of myself! =)

If you guys want to try out with this, tell me how it goes.
But remember, everybody's body is different so the outcome may be different too. =)

Love Me!! XOXO 

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