
March Movies

4/01/2014 09:05:00 pm

Hey Hey pretty people out there =))
April is here!! Time sure flies fast!!
Happy April Fools =)) 
Now is time to talk about movies =DD

If you don't know me, I love to watch movies.
Any kind except for ghost or horror. Those are a no no for me!!!

So, on the 21/3/14
I went to watch Divergent with my friends =))
The day after it was shown in the cinema. 
I never read the book, since I'm lazy to read another trilogy.
Fortunately, I have a good friend who is willing to tell me the whole story =D
So save my time from reading!! =))
Since the ending is quite stupid, I'm not even willing to give a damn try in those books. =P

So first impression of the movie, I kinda like it.♥
It's quite enjoyable to watch =))
But the storyline is kinda slow,
Maybe the directors wanna satisfy the fans, so they put in more detail, so the story went quite slow.
2 and half hours. Hmmm, not bad actually.
For a person like me, who didn't read the books, and don't really know much details of it.
Just the basics, yes I do say that it's quite a good movie to watch. =)
But for my friends who had read the books, they kept on saying that they missed out some minor stuff, which I don't mind.
All you need is the main point in a movie. And they did quite a good job =)

What I'm sick of, is the Malaysia rules.
Although this movie is PG13 in M'sia, but they cut off the kissing scenes, which made us annoyed!
Like seriously though!
They cut off 2 scenes one is the kissing scene, the other is the one that have blood.
Urgh! Annoyed!!
Can't wait for DVD or online movie to watch again.=))

This movie starred Shailene Woodley, who I knew before this movie, she acted in The Secret Life of the American Teenagers. =))
Which I watched before but stopped =/ 
Now she's also starred in the next book to movie called The Fault in Our Stars =))
Can't wait for that!

I'm not gonna tell you all the story of Divergent, but hey =))
What faction do you guys wanna be??
Tell me =))
I think being Dauntless is fun =D

Okay!! Stop the Divergent thing now,
Off to the next movie that mostly everyone will be a fan of =))
Marvel!! =DD
Who doesn't love them?!!!

So on the 27/3/14, it was the first day that Captain America : The Winter Soldier
Both of my parents wanted to watch the movie on the first day it came out on screen.
These things happened really really rare!!
So why not accept the offer and go watch with them =))

I wanted to watch the movie is because Scarlett Johansson is being featured in this movie!!
She so pretty!! =))♥♥
Yes yes, Chris Evans look good too =))♥♥

So I have to say this movie is OKAY~
Just okay, yea that's what my opinion is,
I don't know what's wrong with movies these days,
But both of these movies I've watched in these 2 weeks.
The storyline moves quite slow.
It's just my opinion on this,
But some of my friends says that is really damn awesome!!

But if you love Marvel movies, why not continue to like this one?? =))
Go watch the movie!
I do recommend you guys to go and watch. =))

[Spoiler Alert!!]
-Well Capt. America's best friend who is suppose to be dead a looong time ago, is the villain in the movie!
-There's 2 post credit short clips! Wait for it!!
Even though the second one is lame.
I even made my parents to wait for it!! Lol!!
-Nick Fury died and came back alive =D
This is a huge twist in the movie.
[Love it or hate it I'm still saying it out!! ] =DD
- Captain America and Black Widow kissed!! =)))) =D ♥♥

Okay that's enough =))

Have fun watching the movies!!
And tell me what is your fav scene =))

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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  1. I am dying to watch Divergent and Captain America! I watched a little bit of the The Secret Life of the American Teenager and I am really curious to see if Shailene Woodley acting improved :) gig love

  2. I haven't seen Divergent coz it's like a Hunger Games ripoff but I loved Captain America! Pretty badass! :)

  3. Ohhh, I think I want to see the Captain America movie, but not in the cinema. Maybe at home because I think it's good but not too good to look in the cinema! :P
    I LOVE to watch horror and ghost movies, haha!

    gig love <3

  4. Wow, those are quite interesting movies. I'm planning to watch Captain America soon and some Filipino movies too. I guess it's a perfect way to cap off the weekend :)

  5. i haven't watched divergent yet.. super strict rules for cutting the kissing scene on the movies.. on the other hand, i watched the captain america last weekend, i enjoyed watching it. i agree the story is a little bit slow

    - from gig

  6. Same here I haven't seen divergent yet. However, I've watched Captain America last Sunday and it was nice.

    gig love

  7. I'm a bit behind with movies at the moment as I haven't even heard of these films. Divergentlooks like its my kind of movie but like you I would be very annoyed with the missing scenes. Captain America looks a bit boyish for me so not sure whether I would watch that. Thanks for the review though.

  8. You're luck to have time to see both of these in theaters - I'd love to see either, I'm a big action movie fan, but I'll probably wait until they're on Netflix since I don't have time right now. <3 GIGLove

  9. I haven't watch divergent yet! Alot people say quite nice :O

  10. can't wait to watch captain america and divergent.they look so great - w.carolinefashionstyling.com

  11. haven't watched these movies yet but really looking forward to captain america - love marvel - www.carolinefashionstyling.com

  12. I've seen Divergent a week ago, I think.
    I know a lot of people said that the movie is really good but I still prefer the book. XD

  13. I think that Divergent should be a great movie!
    gig love
    Travel and Fashion Tips

  14. I heard quite a lot of bad review on the divergent movie, but the story sounds so interesting, making me wanna watch it.. hahah

    giglove, www.smallnhot.com

  15. I have watched both movies, and oh, how I love Divergent. I have read all the books and been dying to watch the film adaptation ever since. I think I will be Dauntless or Erudite.

  16. so sad i wanted to watch captain america then i hv an urgent meeting and hv to flew off so sad..

  17. never heard of divergent! but i still need to watch captain america

  18. Not sure it is coming to Italy soon anyway it sounds thrilling :).

  19. I've been hearing a lot of good things about Divergent, I'll have to make sure to see it. I can't wait to go watch Captain America.

  20. I just watched Captain America! Totally agree with you. Very recommended movie to watch.

    GIG Love,


  21. I watch this two movie. :) it great. gig love


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