
One step into Adulthood

2/21/2013 10:03:00 pm

Beware drivers!!
I'm eligible to be on the road now!!!

you know when u always wish that u can drive instead of your parents who keeps complaining about driving u out to far places just to be with your friends.
now i can drive so i can stop listening to their complainssss!!

I've been learning 'how to drive' process since last Dec.
we need to take like a looooong process to get our driving license.
Troublesome!! VERY TROUBLESOME!!!
but it's fine.
i passed all my test without failing my theory test and car practical test!! [so no extra charge :)]
HAPPY!! indeed!!
i passed my driving test yesterday. 200213
a good day to step into adulthood.
i just can't wait to get my license. which will be ready either tomorrow or Monday =/
P license!!!! i just can't believe it myself.
after all these excitement and happiness
i still have to go through my 'daddy's test'
then only i can drive alone on the road.
mommy has been starting to arrange when to fetch my younger bro around.
now i became the driver. ><
my 'part time job' with no pay =((

I went to cemerlang to learn how to drive.
the big place at sg. dua
but i wasn't registered as their student but i just use their place.
my mom's friend introduce me a agent/ uncle to teach me.
so i bring my friend along.
so both of us won't get bored! =P

 we have to wear either flats or sneakers or sports shoes there
and is a must to wear long pants =(((
 the uncle who thought me how to drive.>>>
he also smokes =((
but he is a good guy.
he gave me and my friend additional hours to practice [extra 8 hours]
and did not charge us.
so now i won't complain him even though he smokes beside me in the car every time. =/
well i hate smoke =\\ can't blame me.
 we only get to learn manual cars.
sad!! Cause it's very tiring. :(
now i can drive auto car.
my legs won't be that tired anymore =DD
 i wore my uh-oh top and my uniqlo pants with converse sneakers to my driving test.
it was a hot day!
but i rather not be darker anymore than being hot.

my test finished at around 12.
during my driving test on the road.
the examiner beside me keeps playing with his phone.
and gave me the minimum mark of passing mark.
well at least i pass right???!
even though he did not pay much attention to me driving =/

i went home around 1.10pm
the test took almost half my day.
and i did not go to school =DD
 *hee my face is sharper now* =D
 the friend who is with me the whole time through out the whole process of learning and all the test =))
both of us passed together!!
so Congratulations to us!!! :DDD

i know my reaction when i get my P license is : aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! yesh!!!!! Daddy let's go driving!!!!!!! =DDDD

So drive safely everyone =))
and i will too =))

love me!xoxo 


Chinese New Year + Valentines Day Nails!!

2/06/2013 08:59:00 am

This year Chinese New Year (CNY) and Valentines Day are in the same week.
So i love to do my nails ready for the occasions.
but which one to choose???
CNY or Valentines Day???
Thanks to Michelle Phan the makeup guru in Youtube !!
i finally can use her method and combine both celebration together!! =D
the DIY bandaid nails!! 

you can watched her videos in Youtube on her channel on how to do it : here

but i will show you how to do  it too =))
so here!!
What You Need :
-Gold shimmer nail polish
-red / pink nail polish
-top coat and base coat
-cheap bandaid (around 5 to 6)

-recycled paper (as the base, to prevent messy occurred)
-pencil {if u need one}
 Let's Start!!
put on the colours that u want as the base colour
i put 4 gold and one red on my nails
this is really random and up to u guys to choose.
P.S. You can stop here if you only want CNY nails =)) 

after letting the dry.
cut the cheap cheap bandaid into 3 pieces
but we are not going to use the center part of the bandaid!!!
so we are going to use both sides of the bandaid / plasters
you can immediately fold into half and cut into a heart shape.
or if u want more accurate heart
then use a pencil to draw
and fold it
 and cut it


After that, pull out the bandaid and stick it on your finger nail
 Remember the candy cane nails with the tape.
this is also the same step.
put the colour you want on the heart area.
After 30 seconds , pull out the bandaid !!
 and after some putting and pulling
wait for it to dry
and put top coat on your nails!!
and WALAH!! your nails are done.
this is a great combination for CNY and Valentines  =))

Hope you guys will like this small and easy tutorial. B)
 and Thanks Michelle Phan for this great DIY!!


Can't wait to get my angpaos and wear new clothes =DDD
Love ya!!!

BTW got my hair cut today.
seriously hate straight hair that my hairdresser did.
so i did a non-heat curl on my hair and tttaaaaaaddddddaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see it so short!!! ><><><  *cry*
i have no idea how to wear my extensions now cause my hair is shorter than my extensions few cm.
well gonna be brainstorming on how to do it =(
got any idea pls do tell me =))))

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