
my best surprise!!!

6/05/2012 01:51:00 pm

after my drama competition we were waiting for our results..
i receive a msg from daddy
: i bought S3 for you and didi.. you want? if you don't want then give it 2 gege..
i was so damn happy !!!
but of course i been complaining that S3 was not as beautiful as S2
but the screen is bigger which i like it..
i wanted iphone 5 a long time ago.
daddy broke my dream n bought me a S3
my best surprise ever..
n the worst is that
my family bought it b4 my competition n they kept it as a secret
until after my comp.
my bros also went 2 the competition
then they keep on asking me: u want iphone ma ho..
but daddy told me the news so they can't fool me haha
my older bro wanted S3 so badly kept on telling me 2 give him..
but no way it is mine haha!!!!
daddy bought it with digi
so the markets/shops still dont have these galaxy S3 yet
but i ady have it hahahahah!!!

 digi even gave us a mug lol
 my old fon is still in good condition so i'm still gonna keep it =)

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