
The Local Mbassy @ Sydney

11/16/2016 10:09:00 pm


And I apologise for the much delay. 
After my last post which is up last month, I was basically busy with me being at home. 
Me fixing every Malaysian food craving in a week. 
And now here I am in KL, trying out an internship program.
My life is just always on-the-go! 
I need to rest up seriously! 

Anyway, back to what I have to promise and write for you guys. 
Here's what I ordered in The Local Mbassy on my birthday
I've always wanted to go there, because it's soooo Instagram worthy! Obviously. 
And my friends were willing to bring me there, so why not! 
Since, I'm not that hungry, I shared with my friend a Red Velvet Waffle.
The presentation looks so pretty!!!
The Local Mbassy is well known for its red velvet pancakes, lattes and waffles.
Basically it is to do with red velvet.
But I do have to say, it doesn't really taste any different from any normal waffle.
I don't drink any coffees (if any of you don't know), so from my friend's perspective, the latte is actually very sweet, and doesn't taste like coffee at all.
So, for overall taste, it's just so-so.
For presentation, it definitely is Instagram worthy!
I would love to go back and try their mains instead.
But do remember that Local Mbassy is much more on the pricy side.
So, for this short post. 
I'll try to update as much as possible before the year end. 
I still have my WhitSundays trip waiting for me to share it for you all! 
Hang on for that! 

Until then. 
Thank you for just chillin' and waiting for any new posts. 
It is much appreciated. 

Love Me!! XOXO ♥♥♥♥

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