
ESCAPE!!!!! 270313

4/01/2013 07:53:00 pm

I went to Escape with my friends from church =D
we reached there at around 8 something, almost 9 in the morning.
so we were the 1st group that got in.
haha!! don't have to wait in line to play!!
no food and drinks allowed!! =(
even water bottle is not allowed!! =((

so for safety we have to put safety gear so that we do not fall.
please put it on tightly!! 
since it's our 1st time putting these 'things'
so there were many 'what?!' and 'how??!!'

Tips: please bring gloves and a face towel!! 
the rope or wire in Escape is quite rough and your hands will be hurt. 
you will sweat a lot too, so please bring your own face towel!! 
the things that sell there is expensive!! 
please wear sport shoes too =DD 

 we are done!!
haha looks like wearing "baby's pants"

they let us watched a video of rules for safety =/

off to play!!!

Level 1 is very easy for everyone!! 

 weeeeee!!!! see me FLYYYYYY!!!
 haha!! balance is important is these activities!!
and i'm good at it!!

i played till level 2 only. 
then me and my friend went down to rest. 
well i'm not actually tired, but my friend is. so..... =/
Nicole is back!! 
miss her so so much!! 

there were many different kinds of sign boards around
i just took a few of them =P
haha I want a grass roof so badly!!
now our weather is so so hot!!!

 people become monkey =/??

Next off to Tubby Racer!!
 see!! the washing hand area!! *speechless*
on our way to Tubby Racer
we saw this!!
If you watch the Korea variety tv show >> running man 
then you will know what it mean in this pic =D 

Taaaaadddddddaaahhhhhhh!!! TUBBY!!!
the bad thing is that you have to bring the float up on your own, up to the top spot. 
please be careful though! 
the place to climb up is steep and sometimes it's slippery! 

but it's fun when coming down!! 
you can come down one by one or two together =DD 

Next is this>>
 the next climbing spot is a tree!!
After a long hard day of playing and sweating, me and Nicole stop playing. 
but the youngsters who r in love with Tubby, went on it 4 to 5 times. 

kids who are younger than 5 i guess could play these!! 

Escape card for you to buy things. 

so i guess that's it!!
Escape a recommended place to play and relax 
and lose calories!! =DD 
But please be careful =D 

Have fun there =D 

love me!xoxo 

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