
Hunger Games

3/30/2012 03:55:00 pm

after asking n asking a thousand times to my parents
i finally get 2 watch this movie!!
and i love it
now another problem~~
i want the books !! ><
need 2 please them another thousand times =s


3/25/2012 07:28:00 pm

how could i be so dumb 2 post this bad experience in this blog..
it happened in 7/3/12
well ya it's almost a month
but to me that it just happen not long ago
my house was on fire!!
well not really my whole house
it was in my parents bedroom
some lightbulb cause the fire
it was at 1 something in the morning
mommy smelt smoke so she woke up daddy
and then they all woke my bro n I up
it was the smelliest thing ever
then they called the bomba
1st experience to c bomba infront of our house
it was until 4 something only all the things r done
worst is i still have 2 go 2 school in 6 =.=
my parents room's floor is black
and the whole house smells very bad!!!


3/23/2012 09:55:00 pm

well my March holidays turns out 2 be a very tired holiday..
like i said b4 i join the drama comp
practice is in the holidays
the first 4 days
from 8- 6pm sheesh tiring
at first there was work out
all of our muscles were sore
the others were lucky still get 2 go home
i still have 2 go 2 church 2 join a camp
i'm not complaining is just that i'm 2 tired n 2 pain
i wanted 2 join the camp with my church friends
so in the end i killed my body..
thurs n fri were busy tuition-ing
so what...
my holing does not equal 2 a holiday at all!! ><

bye bye darling!

3/02/2012 04:19:00 pm

my friend... yun~!
went 2 KL 2 work on the recent sunday..
i miss her..
wish her good luck all the way =))

drama =DD

3/02/2012 04:11:00 pm

i cant believe it!!
i just participate in drama club for 1 year n more..
i've got a part for the june's competition!!
is among all penang bc schools
i cant wait!!
i playing one of the main parts too =DD!!!!
the story is abt....
well u have 2 come n c it urself on june 3rd!! =D

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