

11/19/2010 06:29:00 pm

yesterday i went out with my friends..

watch harry potter
i watch till almost finish then need back le
pek chek de show late start !!
so i dont really care anyway
i did it cuz minyi wan me 2 go out v her
(quite long dint go out v my friends)
but in the end also cnt cause got piano class) =(

toaday i went 2 sunshine square 2 play bowling
haha =D
de 1st bowl i bowl n STRIKE
hoho happy me e!!
den after bowling will go eat steamboat =)
happy day 2day !!


bye bye school!!

11/16/2010 06:54:00 pm

last day of school

well same as b4 = bored
but the good thing is there is no ceramah
so happy abt dat

kim brought her camera but no battery
chia lynn brought hers 2 but only took a few pics in my class
after recess
me n kim went 2 de science lab
haha at there till the last min of the time we spent together at school
we had lots of fun
writing (on the board)
haha fun ^^

no school...

11/11/2010 05:59:00 pm

yesterday and today

i skip school actually haha
so yeterday i help my mom gardening
oh man good exercise
i bought tomato seed
and i watch parent trap 1 n 2

today i went to buy some disc
watch 2 movies already
my friends went 2 gurney today
i'm not there =(
cause of piano lesson
scolded by minyi =((
oh well
there is always next time
maybe next week =)

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